Monday 13 February 2012

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal issues:Tissue pathological examination in postmortem cases

Morgan say that those who have dissected or inspected many dead bodies have at least learned to doubt, while those who are ignorant of anatomy and do not take the trouble to attend autopsy, are in no doubt at all…
  • Forensic histopathology is the application of pathological principles to the investigation of the medicolegal aspects of death.
  • Forensic pathologists are medically qualified doctors who perform autopsies/ postmortem examinations on cases of sudden or unexpected death, or death as a result of trauma or poisoning.
  • The forensic investigation of death is a multidisciplinary activity, involving the collaboration between pathologists, crime scene investigators, forensic scientists, and other specialists, such as anthropologists, entomologists, dentists and many other experts.
  • Autopsy findings are combined with the results of other investigations, including the microscopic examination of organs and tissues removed at autopsy, toxicological analyses of blood and urine, for example and correlated with the available clinical or medical history of the deceased, as well as the circumstances of their death, in order to answer questions relating to their death.
  • The issues raised by a death may include, identification of the deceased, the medical cause of death, the interpretation of injuries, and the manner of death i.e. accident, suicide, homicide or natural and required histology examination in many cases to conclude the legal autopsy report
  • Forensic histopathology include the changes in cells due to drug abuse, wound age determination, adverse drug reactions, histopathology of the sudden death syndrome, and age determination of myocardial infarction. 

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