Wednesday 22 May 2013

Emedinews:Insights on Medicolegal Issues:Grievous hurt as per IPC

It is very difficult to draw a line between those bodily hurts which are serious and those which are slight. To make out an offence of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, there must be some specific hurt, voluntarily inflicted and coming within the scope of following as per law. As per Section 320 Indian Penal Code (IPC), the following kinds of hurt are designated as "grievous":
  • Emasculation: It means depriving a male of masculine power.
  • Permanent privation of sight of either eye: The gravity lies in the permanency because it deprives a person the use of the organ of sight.
  • Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear: It deprives a man of his sense of hearing. Injury to the tympanum or auditory nerve or by thrusting something into the ear which causes deafness.
  • Privation of any member or joint: The term ‘member’ means an organ or a limb being part of man capable of performing a distinct function. It includes, nose, mouth, hands, feet, phalanges etc.
  • Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint: the use of limbs and joints of body are essential to the discharge of the normal functions of the body. Their deprivation causes lifelong crippling and makes the person defenseless and miserable.

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